Friday, February 27, 2009

I don't wanna grow up!

Are you an adult yet? I am starting to wonder when the adult thing actually happens. I guess technically, you are considered an "adult" when you turn 18. I have heard the brain doesn't actually fully mature until around age 25. Scary thought - I had two kids by then. I am wondering about this because I have seemingly remained a mental adolescent. Last night, I ran over to Target to pick up a prescription. I had Josh and his friend Konner with me. We had some time to kill, so we started walking around looking at the stuff at Target. Josh and Konner thought it would be super fun to bounce the big beach balls around in Target while we browsed. I was sort of embarrassed, but more amused by their behavior. We sat in the garden furniture section, shooting the breeze and playing with the beach balls. Then we strolled over to the glass and breakables section to chat with some friends we ran into. While I was talking to the friends, I could hear Josh and Konner bouncing the balls through the aisles. Every once in a while, I would hear a thud or a crash or a crash and the inevitable hurried whisper and quiet laughter. I continued chatting, just sort of rolling my eyes, while the boys continued their shenanigans. After a couple more minutes I spotted a beach ball overhead and then a startling crash. Then, I heard the muted laughter and around the corner came a shame-faced Josh without his toy. Apparently, he and Konner were trying to bounce the balls high enough to land on top of the floor lamps that were on display on the top shelf of the aisle. I guess a target "security guard" caught them and confiscated the beach balls. Now, the disconcerting part of this story is that I found the whole thing quite hilarious. I laughed my guts out. What is wrong with this picture? The next thing I know, Konner is handing me a box of xtra large ultra ribbed condoms and asking in very loud voice if I would buy them for him. Josh was on the floor laughing and I wasn't far behind. I think I am appalled at my own self. I keep waiting for maturity to come, and I have realized that I am quite possibly less mature than I was ten years ago. For example; I still like a nice cold Big Gulp or cherry Slurpee, I love to listen to very loud music, I bought an issue of J-14 the other day and I have looked at it more than my kids (mostly because of Zac Efron), I still like to watch music videos, I sometimes don't really want to go to church, I would sleep in till noon every day if I could, I have read the Twilight series more than once and finally I have seen and enjoyed watching High School Musical 3 more than I care to admit. Also, I giggle with me kids when they do something not so appropriate in public venues. The only things that really have changed since those teenage days? I have gone from a size 4 to a much, much larger size, I am responsible for five or so other live human beings and instead of Coke, it's Diet Pepsi in my Double Big Gulp. The more things change, the more they stay the same, I guess.


Carrie said...

It's not immature it is child-like and that is always a positive thing. Mark and I have "The Rule of Silliness". Basically, supposedly everyday we have to act silly, immature or child-like, it removes the stress and tension of being an Adult. You are so funny, you always make me smile, no need to change anything.

Jenni said...

I love it! I have asked myself that same question over the years. The bottom line is, I'll never be as mature as I should be, I'll never stop laughing at funny things (because they are funny whether your 10 ot 100) and I will always depend on my parents for advice on things such as "Mom, what do I do with my kid when he does this?" or "Dad, what is the best stock to invest in?" When I get the money to invest, of course.) Growing up is for the elderly! I don't think you should change one thing. It's nice to know there's someone out there who relates to me. We're awesome!

Jill said...

I want to come to Target with you next time! lol

Rekehl Johnson said...

I'm glad I'm not the only who feels that way. That's why you're the "cool" mom. I need to loosen up. And I'm glad someone else publicly admits to liking High School Musical 3 and thinks Zac Efron is cute. LOVE the opening money shot of his face. You should have heard all the girls AND mothers scream when they saw that on the big screen. However, I am disturbed when I think about this because I'm old enough to be his mother!! Ewww! Hey cute is cute.

- Rekehl

Unknown said...

I think you must be the funnest mom ever! I can always count on having a good laugh when I read your blog. :)