Tuesday, June 30, 2009

sleep is over-rated, I hate birds and cell phones are evil

Am I right? Does anyone out there over the age of eighteen get more than 5 hours a night? I can't seem to . I have taken to the habit of playing Mah Johng (sp?) in the wee hours of the am. I am actually pretty coherent at 3:30 am. Anyway, if, by some miracle, I am asleep at 3:30 am, by approximately 4:30 am, I am awakened by nature. No, not my bladder calling, rather, the call of the wild. No, not that wild...I am talking about the five zillion feathered friends perched in the overgrowth in the creek outside my window. What in the world are they so happy about? It's 4 o'clock in the morning for pete's sake! Plus, how does a bird poop on a house window? Does the bird have Spiderman-like talents? Can it aim? I don't get it. Anyway, birds are for the birds. Lastly - I hate cell phones. They are the most evil invention yet. Do I really need to be available 24 hours a day? Huh? Do I need to talk on the phone while I am sitting on the toilet? I'll let you answer that question. Am I dead just because I can't be reached? No- I am not dead, nothing is amiss, I just don't want to talk to anyone. Don't take it personally...K I'm done

Friday, June 26, 2009

Semi-public apology

Sorry if I offended anyone with my comment on Michael Jackson. I just feel like the media hypes these things up so much that it is almost intolerable. Of course, I feel for his family and friends, but, come on...Farrah Fawcet died too, and that was barely a blip on the radar. I liked Farrah tons better. I believe I even tried to emulate her hairstyle back in the day. I never tried to emulate Michael Jacksons hairstyle, and that means something to me. Anyway - sorry about being flippant about it, I really do have feelings.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


What's up with the Facebook thing? I am so confused. So - if I make a comment on anything it gets posted for anyone to read? I don't think I like it. I am a very private and shy person. I don't want people to know stuff...okay, that may be a fib. Anyway - anyone may feel free to teach me. I don't get it.

So, what have the Wood's been up to you ask? Well, so far this summer, we have done nothing. I can't even keep my house clean! Don't ask me to do any "activities" on top of doing nothing. I just cannot do it! I have been trying to do the "zone" cleaning thing with the kids. What a joke. First of all, they all want zone 3 (the easiest one), secondly, they complain that it is unfair when they don't get zone 3 (even though we draw out of a hat), thirdly, I usually have AT LEAST four strapping young teenage boys in zone 3, so it is never clean anyway. I'm not sure I am going about this the right way...suggestions are welcome. Of course, I eventually just do all the zones because I get tired of the "zone complaints". OR, I get yelled at because my zone isn't done. My zone doesn't get done because I am getting the other zones done. Also - I am running around the town getting this and that for the 5 little royals at home. How did I get into this mess? The kids think that summer means eating out for lunch every day, ice cream runs three times a week and at least one snow cone run per week. I am totally going broke. They have also seen at least four movies just this week. If you add that all up, I am going to need a part-time job. Anyone hiring? Moving on.....

This may seem really, really harsh and judgemental, but...Is anyone out there really going to miss Michael Jackson? Sorry, that was mean. Anyway... have a good week.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I am not dead or missing...

Hey friends and family - it has been awhile. Sorry...nothing happy to say. Nothing unhappy to say either, just didn't want this to turn into a whiny blog, know what I mean? Our family has been Having lots of fun lately. St. George, boating, dance, swimming, four-wheeling, etc... Busy as ever. It is definitely true that the older they get, the busier you are. I think I spend about 1/2 of my day in the car, transporting kids. The other 1/2 trying to keep my house from becoming a dump. I have been trying to de-junk my office (thank you Lauren). It's a slow process, but I am hanging in there. I have also given up sugar and caffeine (except on those headache days.) Maybe that's why I have had nothing positive to say? Are all the skinny people out there just grumpy all the time? Maybe...I might not ever find out, but I am giving it the old college try (even though I am not in college) Anyway - here are some pics of the last few months. Enjoy!