Sunday, September 28, 2008

I don't really have anything to say.

I was chatting with a good friend of mine (Linda) at church today. We were talking about what we could put on our blogs. It gets addicting. Believe it or not, I do not always have an amusing anecdote to share with the world. Linda and I decided that maybe we could share something nice and uplifting. I will do so at this time and then maybe something will come to me. MY nice thing is what a wonderful church I belong to. Don't worry anyone (Joelbaby), I am not preaching. I just really think I belong to a wonderful organization. I speak of this because, I recently watched the Relief Society broadcast and had the privilege of hearing from Elder Uchdorf (spelling?). What a fabulous man he is. I was very touched by his words. One thing that he said (I can't remember if he was quoting or what) got to me. He said something to this effect; We can be happy if we have our prayers answered, but we can be happier if we help to answer prayers. I just wanted to cross-stitch that on a pillow right then and there! I know that I always feel happier when I am in the service of my fellow man. How about you? Anyway - here's something kind of fun that I got from my sister-in-law. It's the ABC game.

A - attached or single? - duh, attached
B - best friend - jim from the office (JK - Mikey)
C - cake or pie? - cake of course. Pie isn't as reliable as cake.
D - day of choice - Monday, kids back to school, Mike to work, house to myself.
E - essential item - diet pepsi
F - favorite color - it used to be purple, but i think it's now blue
G - gummy bears or worms? - NEITHER!!!!!
H- hometown - I guess I would say Sandy
I - indulgences - going to bed early, cinnamon toast, Dr. Pepper, cherry cordial candy kisses, reading a non-thinking book.
J - January 0r July? not a big fan of either one, but July is better because of Lake Powell trips.
K - kids? indeed! 5 little woodlets. 4 girls and 1 bubba.
L - life is incomplete without? - my kids, my husband and the gospel.
M - marriage date - July 18, 1991
N - number of siblings - 3 brothers and 1 sister
O - oranges or apples? apples but only Gala or Golden Delicious or Carley says caramel covered.
P - phobias or fears? - flying (especially at night, I always count the seats to my nearest exit, and I pay attention to the instructions), bowling shoes and bats.
Q - quote - "pants always beats no pants" Jerry Seinfeld and "All because two people fell in love." - NOT!!!!
R - ring size - no clue
S - season? fall - love the pumpkins
T - tag: tag three friend ( how the h to you tag someone?)
U - unknown fact - I don't really have any secrets. It's all out there baby.
V - very favorite store - I think we will all agree with this: Target.
W - worst habit - eating a bowl of cereal in the middle of the night.
X - x-ray or ultrasound - I guess ultrasound. Babies are much cuter than broken bones.
Y - your favorite food - homemade mac & cheese and of course, chocolate.
Z - zodiac sign - Aquarius and my Chinese sign is the Dog. BTW - I was once so into the Chinese zodiac that I could tell anyone what animal they were. I forgotten it all now thank goodness.

After I started doing this I started to wonder if the origin of this game was or something. Kind of suspect I think. Love to all!!

1 comment:

Jon and Emily said...

Bowling shoes??? You have a fear of bowling shoes???...

BTW: You tag someone by making a comment on their blog telling them to read yours and do the ABC tag. Really cheezy and sometimes annoying so I don't usually do it.