Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Do you ever stay up nights?...

Do you ever stay up nights wondering about stuff? Some of you may know that I am a semi-professional insomniac. I usually get about three hours of solid sleep before Autumn yells from her bed "CHOCOLATE MILK!!!!!!" Not, mind you, "Mommy, may I have chocolate milk?" Just "CHOCOLATE MILK!!!!!!!" I usually stumble in and get her an ounce of milk and leave it on her head board. She never actually drinks it, which leads me to believe that perhaps she is having nightmares about some sort of dairy product invasion or cow mud-restling-mania or some such. ANYWAY - at that point in the night, I am up. So inevitably I think about stuff. The other night, for reasons that will remain unsaid, I was dreaming of how to best embarrass and/or humiliate my son. As you have read, he bugs me sometimes. I love him so so so so much, but he still bugs. So I have devised the following. I will release a photo. Of Josh in rollers. With his hair all girly. Granted, I did create this monter, however, it was only released to a selected few. Now all the world, or least 5-10 of my faithful blog readers, will have the evidence of one very silly and boring Friday night at the Wood Household. OK, my pictures aren't the best, but at least there are now pictures!!!!!! Hooray for Crazy Cow!!!!!
Seriously, Josh is my bud and I don't know what I would do without him and all the help he gives me when Mike is gone. He is a good sport and I know that he will just laugh when he hears what I have done!! Love your guts #33!!!!!!
So what other things do I think about when I am up? This is a dangerous question.
Here is a list anyway:
1. stuff to blog about
2. why I am sleeping on the couch and Mike is in a nice comfy bed
3. what to have for breakfast
4. is being "it" good or bad? (this was last night, thanks to an episode of Seinfeld)
5. thrilling thursday (hopefully this will end soooooon)
6. how to bottle pears (thank you so much Marianne)
7. other stuff to blog about
8. what is the minimum amount of housework I can get away with tomorrow and have Mike still think I do something during the day.
9. what is that funny sound? (i have tracked down many a strange sound in the wee hours)
10. should I shower tomorrow or not?
I don't know. Maybe I am just a little off. What do you think?
Love to all!!!!!!!


Shelley said...

That's it...it's decided. Autumn and Parker were meant to be. Every night without fail I wake up to the sounds of "juice!" He takes one sip and is out again. Crazy kid. But I am tired enough I can luckily fall asleep again. If you get really bored I am willing to give you a house key and you can come do my house work for me! I know, I am such a nice friend... :)

Unknown said...

I can always count on having a good laugh when I read your blog!!

Marianne said...

Oh Melissa, I sure do love you, you're a riot! And your kids are great to let you 'try' and embarrass them. (BTW, Josh is too handsome, even with curlers, to be even a little embarrassed)! I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't stop thinking in the night when I'm awakened by kids.

Carrie said...
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Carrie said...

Hang in there Josh, what doesn't kill you (or embarrass you to death) just makes you stronger. I have pictures of my brother with beauty parlor curls. Melissa you are a riot.

Jennifer Bradford said...

Melis-Do you remember when we did this to Joel at about the same age? I swear, Josh is mini-Joel. Its freaky.

Big Kahuna said...

Josh is truly a brave young man.