Thursday, October 23, 2008

OKAY, OKAY, settle down...

You are all freaks. Don't you have anything better to do than read blogs? I am sitting in a pile of trash in my office just so that I can post something. Get a life!!!!! Honestly, I have nothing to say so I shall post Autumn's Birthday Wish List (Autumn is four as of 10/26/2008). Here we go:

Princess Dora and Pegsus horse set (got it)

a pink Jeep to drive (don't got it)

Pet Shop swimming plastic dog (nope, then I would have to give her a bath.)

Polly Pockets (ick, do you know that Polly is now called Decapitated Polly? Her body comes in separate pieces so that you can "mix and match". What is this teaching our little ones?)

Elmo Live (uh-huh, too annoying and how many dang Elmo "somethings" do we need?)

A four wheeler to drive (can you imagine?)

Clippo's (heck no, I strongly object to the jingle, "clippo's, clippo's, clippo's da da da da da da")

Moon sand (yeah right, been there, done that)

Baby Alive potty training doll (okay, this is my favorite. Do they really think I am going to give an inanimate object a bottle just so it can pee and crap in a toilet that I will have to clean up? I have enough crappy toilets, thank you very much. I understand that the poo is fake, but this whole "real" doll thing is getting out of hand. Next thing you know, there will be a doll who vomits and has seizures. I refuse to feed the market on this one.)

Lil' Bratz house and Mini 'Lil Bratz dolls - (okay, broke down even though the 'lil bratz are semi-annoying)

And the list goes on, and on, and on, and on etc.... It's amusing to listen to Autumn and her little bff Ava when they are watching TV. EVERY, and I mean every, toy commercial that comes on, one of them says, "I want that!!!!" or "I want one of those" Sometimes they say it simultaneously. It's almost like a race, who can say it the fastest? Invariably though, whoever says it first says "I will get one and you can get one too, then we will bolf (childese for both) have one and we can shaaaah (childese for share)." I think they would want a box of Tampons if they were pink and sparkly and had just the right jingle, "tampons, tampons, tampons,da da da da da da". Sorry, gross.

Anyway, if you see the little gal, wish her a Happy Birthday! She will love you forever!


Marianne said...

What a silly girly, girl! I think I am pretty lucky...I don't have that problem yet!

Shelley said...

"Marianne" was really me, Shelley! :)

Jennifer Bradford said...

My dear sister, I would love if you would write a book chronicalling (that has to be spelled wrong) all of your adventures. The things you say are so classic. You should be making money off this. Love ya tons! Thanks for the belly laugh this morning.

Jon and Emily said...

Stop being so dang funny and we'll stop caring if you post anything!!!
Wish I would have seen this BEFORE I got her present. I didn't know she had a list...hope she still liked the Dora Globe!
p.s. Sorry about last night...yea, that's all I should really say here! But love ya!

Lane said...

okay, I'm crying here. you crack me up. how can you make tampons funny? I'm never blogging, I can't handle the pressure to be funny!

Tammy said...

Oh, how funny! Write more...:)